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Kuesioner PPPVI GIZ 2024 Buku Tamu Registrasi Akun Login Akun

Link And Match

Link and Match, Strategic Steps to Provision of Competent Human Resources. Link and Match is a collaborative program between the Ministry of Industry and Industry in the context of providing competent human resources according to industry needs which includes various activities, including curriculum alignment for 34 competency skills, training and apprenticeships for teachers in domestic and foreign industries, provision of certified instructors internationally through training of workplace trainers (In-Company Trainers), as well as strengthening Teaching Factory in schools


Program Kemenperin Lainnya

Coaching Clinic Super Tax Deduction
Pelatihan Cost and Benefit Analysis / Analisa Biaya dan Manfaat
In Company Trainer
Link And Match
Career Development Center
PIDI 4.0
Pelatihan 3 in 1, Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Tenaga Kerja Industri Terampil