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Industrial Human Tracking System

Ministry of Industry has Industrial Human Tracking System to provide industrial competent workforce which starts from JARVIS, an Industrial Vocational Admission Portal for prospective students to enrol into vocational education units of the Ministry of Industry.

Students at vocational education go through learning process equipped with industry 4.0-based facilities, such as the implementation of RFID, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, dan Extended Reality. This is applied through cooperation with various parties, such as industrial partners as well as domestic and foreign partners. The goal is to equip students with skills 4.0 in line with current industrial needs so that they are ready to work.

Agency of Industrial HR Development in collaboration with various domestic and foreign partners has developed Career Development Center (CDC), a platform used as an integrated industrial vocational education ecosystem to provide competence workforce. CDC has various functions: student profiling, counselling and career preparation, apprenticeship, work placement and tracer study.


Other Special Feature : TVET 4.0

Virtual Profiles
JARVIS 4.0 Vocational Admission
Workshop VR HSE Lab SMTI Makasar
Women Innovation Camp
Smart schools 4.0 : SMTI Pontianak
Industrial Human Tracking System
TVET 4.0 Assessment
Footwear Scheme 4.0 - Sport Shoes
Development of Curriculum 4.0